Friday 7 June 2013

The Birth of Blog


So this is what it's like to do a 'blog'! Exciting stuff!


What do I do now?
I'll post a picture:


Ok, so, yeah, blog.

In this blog we will try and document the big adventure that will be our Southern Africa Road Trip otherwise known as 'CMJJJ' which is a very clever play on our initials and also sounds a bit dirty which makes us laugh because we are very immature. 

Here is a brief introduction to the CMJJJ crew:

This is me. I'm the most intelligent, talented, resourceful and responsible member of the team. By far. I'm the glue that holds it together, the vital cog in the wheels of our adventure. The others don't appreciate it and call me a pisshead. I'm still not entirely sure why. On the trip, I will be referred to as 'Irish' (imaginative much) O.D. and ODonaHOO. I have crap nicknames. I provide the spreadsheets, a powerful phone torch and a very authentic Chinese accent.

This is Julia aka Goolia, Bach, Me Julie, PuppyBurner. She's from New Yoik and has pyromaniac tendencies especially towards small dogs. She enjoys fireworks, explosions, the smell of singed puppy hair and organs and rugby. Julia has been learning to 'drive stick' especially for this trip and will be allowed to try out her new skill once we get to the Namibian desert. Maybe. We hope to meet Julia's brother in Cape Town. He recently blew up a dolphin.

James Cross aka Seamus, Crossy, JC,  is from Cambridge, Engerland and is a tree-humper and a jock. He likes throwing and catching balls, running as fast as he can and lifting things. However, he also suffers from chronic flatulence and is very easily distracted. SHINY THING. He is not allowed to be in charge of anything. Plans are underway to attach a sidecar to our trusty motor in which to house Cross and the toxic gases that emanate from his ass. Cross' challenge for this trip is to teabag a live, wild, conscious, adult crocodile. Eeeeeeezaaaay.

John Bray, better known as Senor Managemente, Braychild, Brayzer Krane, Brayzin' Squad, Bray of Pigs, Bray's Anatomy, Monkey Bray, Independence Bray, The Bray after Tomorrow, Brayzy in Love etc is from the North of Engerland. Braychild's hobbies include football, tambourining and lurking. He has been known to lose the glasses from his face. Braychild's challenge for the summer is to vomit in every country. Check out for more details. Bray is pictured here with the love of his life, the Ravlon. The Ravlon will be our mode of transport for our 45 day adventure.

So there we are.


  1. I'm confused as to where the M comes from.

  2. Another question, who's in charge of not loosing the keys :P

  3. The M was originally my cousin Maeve who was supposed to join us but sadly couldn't coz she's a hobag. So now we're using my second name also (Maria). CJJJ just doesn't sound like anything really...

  4. W're getting multiple keys cut and hiding them in various places. I might swallow one to be sure.
