Friday 12 July 2013

Hot Air Ballooooooooooooon!

Because we're posh and really rich, we decided to do a hot air balloon trip over the Namib Desert. 
Feckin' AWESOME. 

We were a little bit worried for a while

but then it was ok..

Bray was calm and collected as per usual

We bullied monkey. I feel bad about that now.

Balloon Shadow!

'Sports Landing': when you land sideways and bounce around a bit.

Of course, all balloon rides over deserts just MUST be followed by a champagne breakfast in the sand dunes.

How far we have CMJJJed so far...

I think we've done very well. And no one has gone mental - yet. Well not really anyway. Maybe slightly. Are those my legs??? LOL!

So after the relative isolation of desert and delta, we are experiencing extreme culture shock here in Cape Town. They have restaurants and shops and fancy cars and cinemas and bars and GUINNESS ON TAP! And we get to sleep in BEDS! And for the first time in 22 days - we're NOT reeking of campfire. Although Cross still smells like fart.