Saturday 29 June 2013

Things I have learnt about my traveling companions in the first week of CMJJJ

Isn't it amazing? You think you know someone so well and then you spend a little time crammed into a go-kart and all of a sudden little things start to show...

Lets start with Julia/Gulia/'baby come Bach' - Turns out that our mother hen is a bit of a spas when it comes to having to keep hold of thing, catch things, move things and generally in situations when some semblance of spatial awareness is required. I have never witnessed such poor hand-eye coordination in my days, brilliant!
Julia is a delight when it comes to interaction with real people. For example, she called a lady "ma'am" the other day. No problem you would think so long as that lady was elderly and deserved of such formal status. This lady was about 25 and making coffee in a backpackers kitchen. No wonder she was pissed off. Ah Julia.

Interesting fact about Julia: She has broken both arms during a push up challenge.

On to Ciara/OD/Irish/SPEEDBUMP! - Who knew she was actually a lesbian?!!!!! And she punches like a Minotaur and there is an end to her tether after all. She hates to be called "princess". LOL.

Interesting fact about Ciara: Ciara, as we know, has a very small head which got lost somewhere in her helmet during rafting, but as a baby had the same sized noggin and has only just started to grow into it.

Finally on to John/Bray/Monkey Bray/Brazier Krane/Independence Bray/Slaphead - Bray is dad. He likes to be organized and very,very loud. Turns out this is also true when the fucker sleeps. Snoring as a term simply doesn't quite measure the man. He also loses things, but I know you are all sitting back and saying "but James, we always knew that". But I for one had hoped that it was just a phase only to be disappointed. The things John has lost so far: all travel documents including bookings and maps, his phone, his car keys (as I sit here they remain lost), his head torch and his shoes.

Things he has not lost: his phone number to any fit birds.

Bray also has Tourette's, a terrible social-impairing affliction and rather rare which is perhaps why none of us had registered it yet until he bellowed "Sexy Car Fucking Tit" at a fellow Rav driver in Maun who cut us up. We were quite startled.

Interesting fact about John: Has only been skiing once yet has managed to break 5 pieces of ski gear. Plonker.

So that is pretty much it so far.

Lunch of kings

So we may be traveling in not the most professional of offload vehicles, not equipped with anything useful for getting ourselves out of bother and targeted with smirks by almost every South African in a monster 4x4 but we do smash lunch, OH YES!

Thanks John for the poached eggs!

my heroine. and mechanics. 29/6/2013

not an update as normal.

This is a comment on our star. the key player without which we would be in major trouble. she has had us doing some walking. its proper slow.
She is small, a bit odd shaped and curvy in funny places but she has been amazing. 
noooo, its not Ciara. or Julia. come on guys imagination please.

she has been overloaded with the toughest jobs and a lot of stuff. we broke her cigarette lighter. she has been smashed through sand,  her bum is clean due to the sand scrub its had. she has been invaded by monkeys (really, no kiddin).

NOOOO honestly i'm not talkin about either Ciara or Julia. come on...

She is of course, Ravlon. and she's awesome. will be proper sad to leave her behind. Think she'd fit in in SF...

Her first and reverse gears have been ragged about. The front plastic sump guard has been pushed inside out.The exhaust is half the size it was in circumference. she is dusty and has been effectively like that for over a week. her rear diff is hurting and the dust and sand has made everything that little bit less functional.

Today though, she boosted over 700km and smashed the 2000 mark total for our trip. She has made hair dressers around the world more proud of their vehicle. She has stuck two fingers up to the Toyota exec who wanted a 4*4 for women to drive around town.
Admittedly, she needs a wash, but then so do we all. 

and on mechanics...
We took her to Toyota, Maun. Babusi (service admin guy) was sound as. A mechanic fixed our lighter/power source. no charge. He rang around southern Africa and local dealers for parts. at 530pm on Friday we pitch up again and he sorts out contacts in Swakopmund down the line.

They are used to travellers of course. but he was class, the most chilled dude in the world. He also introduced James and I to Question. You will learn more of him later.
