Wednesday 26 June 2013

CMJJJ 1 – Zambia 0. WIN WIN WIN.

An early start got us to Pam's Bakery (‘meat’ pies) for breakfast somewhere on the outskirts en route to Livingston and told a police office to get serious when he insisted on a fictitious tax. He wanted us to loan him our passports?!?! We rolled into Livingstone past a cultural parade with dancers on floats. Feeling confident, we decided to go rafting on the Zambezi in the gorge under the falls...uh, yeah. RAFTING IS AWESOME.
Our guide Steve was a hero, no rapid was too big for us and over we went in the very first one. Nice and refreshing/bloody scary and unexpected? (naïve we were) -felt like being inside a washing machine.
Bray and Cross were up front. Apparently in charge of ‘rhythm’. Fell in a few more times before the day was over. Rapids named Oblivion, the three ugly sisters and where 16a is Terminator 1, and 16b is terminator 2 were always gonna be fun. Steve wiped us out again on 16b. Brayzer experienced freefall. Nuts.  We've still got the bruises to prove it (injuries are becoming a big theme). After rafting 15km down the river, we went to see the falls themselves. Ever signed a waiver to get in a cable car? No? come to Zambia.
Impressive doesn’t cover it.
Heading back to town, we came across a herd of 20 elephants near road construction-neither the elephants nor the road crew seemed particularly concerned.
Our accomodation was cool and the whole of Livinsgstone sound. Zambia quite like Malawi just bigger. Absolutely nothing between the towns except some long bits of tarmac. Road improving all the way.

Sorry still no photo's yet. It is an issue of computer tech. they are coming soon. we do realise a blog is much better with photos.

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